Starting on Medicare in Wisconsin

Medicare Age Requirements for Wisconsin Residents
October 7, 2016
Wisconsin Medicare Open Enrollment has begun
Medicare Open Enrollment – Going On Now
November 11, 2016
Medicare Age Requirements for Wisconsin Residents
October 7, 2016
Wisconsin Medicare Open Enrollment has begun
Medicare Open Enrollment – Going On Now
November 11, 2016
Medicare in Wisconsin

As experts in Medicare in southeastern Wisconsin, we field a wide array of questions about everything and anything Medicare related. In our last article, we addressed one of the biggest topics we hear questions about—the age requirements for Medicare. Today, we are going to address another popular topic–getting started on Medicare.

When getting started on Medicare, many of our clients have a lot of questions, and many of them revolve around how their care might change. For example, people working until age 65 or later might be coming to Medicare directly from an employer’s health insurance plan. In that situation, most want to know how their coverage under Medicare will compare to the employer’s plan they had been on. If there are deficiencies in coverage that they want and need, they need to know which supplemental insurance plan will best cover them. Oppositely, if they are now entitled to care that hadn’t previously been covered for them, they want to know about all of their options so they can best take advantage of their coverage entitlements under Medicare.

Another “getting started” issue many have questions about is how their prescription coverage will work. Depending on the situation, prescriptions have the potential of consuming much of or most of a person’s income. Medicare has very specific rules about how prescription drug coverage works, and for many people just getting started on Medicare, it is of utmost importance that they understand exactly how their coverage works.

Finally, another very important getting-started-on-Medicare issue is simply the process of getting enrolled and getting coverage established. Because many people are unsure how to proceed, they miss out on the benefits they are entitled to, and they may even put off the whole process of getting covered altogether.

At Milz Health Group, we never want the prospect of getting started on Medicare to be overwhelming, confusing, or frustrating for any of the great people of Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin. We’ve made ourselves experts in all things Medicare so that you don’t have to be. If you need a jump start in starting up your coverage, contact us today and set up an appointment. We’d love to help!